Kattye Gonzalez

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  1. ABSTRACT 2 — 2 comments
  2. Abstract — 1 comment
  3. Abstract 1 — 1 comment

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NYC Weekly News

I’m a young Hispanic woman that lives and grew up in NYC. I think is important to keep young adults educated and inform on what’s going in our society. I find majority of the newspapers cover broad and similar stories. Due to my busy schedule I find myself not being aware of what’s going on …

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Advertisements are a form of marketing communication and surrounds our daily lives. Advertisement is way to persuade and manipulate an audience. An advertisement goal is to sell and make money. In newspapers you can find at least one advertisement in each page. There are advertisements for products, services, food, apartments, clothing and jobs etc. Every …

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Assignment # 2 – Advertising

Advertisements are a form of marketing communication and surrounds our daily lives. Advertisement is way to persuade and manipulate an audience. An advertisement goal is to sell and make money. In newspapers you can find at least one advertisement in each page. There are advertisements for products, services, food, apartments, clothing and jobs etc. Every …

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Abstract 1

News is everywhere you go you can read it, listen or see it. Newspapers have been one the oldest forms of media that report about the news. A newspaper can inform people of on national, international and local news. New York City is a diverse place filled with many different languages and cultures. I will …

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Assignment 1

Kattye Gonzalez Intro to Multilingual Media Assignment 1 News is everywhere you go: You can read it, listen or see it. Newspapers have been one the oldest forms of media that report about the news. A newspaper can inform people of on national, international and local news. New York City is a diverse place filled …

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ABSTRACT (1)5 sources Intro to Multilingual Media – Abstract Assignment 1 News is everywhere you go. You can read it, listen or see it. Newspaper has been one the oldest form to know about the latest news. A newspaper can inform you what’s going on national, international and local. Newspapers also include different sections such …

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