Zarella Robinson

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  1. assignment 1 — 3 comments
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  3. assignment #2 — 1 comment

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final abstract final assignment

The editorial choice will be an informational magazine titled, “The Constituent.” An informational magazine was chosen because newspapers can be boring and magazines tend to have an almost childish quality with editorial input that pertains to only the subjects of the magazine. For example, Family Circle is a magazine that has lots of things to …

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assignment #2

Advertisement is an essential part of a newspaper. It has the ability to get to numerous amounts of people. Newspapers frequently have a section that advertises different kinds of products and services. There are corporate parts that usually involve vast production such as phone, automobiles, computers, and fast food restaurants. The New York Times is …

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Abstract #2

Advertisement is an essential part of a newspaper. It has the ability to get to numerous amounts of people. Newspapers frequently have a section that advertises different kinds of products and services. There are corporate parts that usually involve vast production such as phone, automobiles, computers, and fast food restaurants. The New York Times is …

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assignment 1

Technology is the new language of media. Media is the new generation of people today. I have chosen three types of newspaper articles such as New York Daily, El Pais, and El Diario, written in english and spanish. All three articles imply different meanings of why people read them. Today in America, language is extremely …

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Assignment 1

Languages have led to have new technology for the media today. Media has made a break way for the new generation of people. I have chosen three types of newspapers articles New York Daily, El Pais, and El Diario, written into two types of languages English and Spanish. Technology has given people to move much …

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Post 1

Society is surrounded by many different languages around the world. These languages have led to new technology for the media today. Media has made a break way for the new generation of people. I have chosen three types of newspapers articles New York Daily, El Pais, and El Diario, written into two types of languages …

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