I am going to develop a 24-page newspaper that caters towards residents of the Bronx borough of New York City. The newspaper is going to be titled the “Bronx Weekly News.” I decided to create this newspaper because I thought it was unique considering that most newspapers don’t cater specifically to residents of the Bronx, but rather residents of the entire New York City. I want this newspaper to be an outlet for residents of the Bronx to find out about interesting events happening in their neighborhood. This could help residents of the Bronx feel more connected to their neighborhood and maybe get more involved in their community.
The “Bronx Weekly News” is going to contain editorial content that relates to the Bronx, New York, since it is a paper that caters to residents of the Bronx. However, it will still contain news about current events outside the Bronx, in order to inform readers about important current events. The newspaper is going to have seven sections titled: Local News, Sports, Entertainment, National News, International News, Bronx Events and a classified section. I choose to include the Local News, Sports, Entertainment, classified and Bronx events sections because I wanted to highlight how these different genres relate to the Bronx. I also chose to include the National and International News sections because I wanted the readers to know about important current events outside of the Bronx. This could help readers become more informed citizens. The newspaper is going to put to most emphasis on local news in the Bronx, since it caters specifically to residents of the Bronx. The newspaper is going to devote thirty percent of the 24 pages towards the Local News Section. Since the newspaper doesn’t focus primarily on news outside of the Bronx, the paper will only devote ten percent of its pages towards National News section and ten percent towards the International News Section. The Sports and Entertainment Sections are going each going to take up 10 percent of the newspaper. The paper is going to have a large percentage of content devoted to the sports and entertainment sections because those sections will directly relate to the Bronx. The sports section will primarily cover New York City sports teams in order to relate the genre to Bronx residents. The entertainment section will contain information about upcoming entertainment in the Bronx. The entertainment section will also contain reviews of entertainment in the Bronx. The entertainment section will have these two specific components in order to help readers find out about specific types of entertainment in their neighborhood and to help them find out what is the best type of entertainment available fot them. Hopefully, through finding about entertainment in their neighborhood, Bronx residents will feel more connected to their neighborhood. This may ultimately spur more public engagement. The Bronx Events Section will contain all upcoming events in the Bronx except entertainment events, since the entertainment section covers upcoming entertainment. I chose to include a Bronx Events section so Bronx residents can find out about events happening in their neighborhood. Similarly to the entertainment section, hopefully the Bronx Events section of the paper will serve as an outlet for Bronx residents to feel more connected to their neighborhood. In order to accomplish this goal, twenty percent of the newspaper will be devoted to the Bronx News Section. The classified section will consist of classified advertisements in the Bronx and the areas surrounding the borough. Three percent of the newspaper will be devoted towards the classified section. I decided to make the classified section the smallest section of the newspaper because in other successful newspapers the classified section is one of the smaller sections. I want my newspaper to emulate those other successful newspapers. The newspaper will not contain an opinion section because I want the newspaper to focus more on news and upcoming events. The reason why I want the newspaper to focus on news and upcoming events is because I want the readers to become more informed and engaged in their community through reading the newspaper. The newspaper will also not contain a opinion section, because the newspaper does not want to shove the writers views onto the readers in order to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. The newspaper does not want to the news content in the print version of the newspaper, as well as the online version of the newspaper, to be subjective. The newspaper will try to be as objective as possible in telling news stories. This could help the reader understand all of the different sides in a complicated news story, in order to become fully informed on the topic. Politically, the newspaper will also try to remain unbiased towards any political party, and explain political news as objectively as possible. This could help the paper appeal to as a wide of an audience of Bronx residents as possible, in any political party.
The advertising section’s content in the “Bronx Weekly News” will relate to the Bronx, New York. The advertising section will be five percent of the newspaper. The reason why I am devoting a small portion of the newspaper towards the advertising section is because I want the newspaper to focus more on news and events than advertising. The advertising section is going to be divided into corporate advertising and classified advertising. Corporate advertising will consist of two percent of the paper and classified advertising will consist of three percent of the paper. I decided to devote more space in the paper towards classified advertising than corporate advertising because I want to support small businesses in the Bronx. By advertising more classified than corporate advertisements I would have a better chance at doing so. The corporate advertisements will relate to the Bronx, since Bronx residents are the intended audience of the newspaper. One example of a corporate advertisement that the newspaper might have is for a baseball game at Yankee Stadium. The corporate advertisements will also be based on the consumer’s preferences. The way that the newspaper will find out about the consumer’s preferences is through a poll on the online version of the newspaper. Similarly to corporate advertising section, the classified section will also cater to Bronx residents and try to help support small businesses in Bronx. As a result, some examples of classified advertisements that will be in the paper will be for Bronx family owned restaurants and small businesses. The newspaper will not have any advertisements urging to readers to join a political group or religious group. The newspaper wants to appeal to any Bronx resident of any political group, religion, race or ethnicity, by advertising a political or religious group, the newspaper would be telling its readers that we are trying to appeal to only those or a certain political group or religion, and that is not what the staff of the newspaper wants to do. The newspaper will also not advertise any services that are known not benefit the well being of our readers, such as cigarettes or alcohol. The newspaper will not advertise cigarettes or alcohol, because the newspaper does not want to be responsible for encouraging their readers to participate in activities that are proven to be unhealthy for them.
An online version of the “Bronx Weekly News” will be produced. The online version of the newspaper will contain the same content as the print version of the newspaper. By creating an online version of the newspaper, I hope to make the content more accessible to readers. The readership of the newspaper will be residents of the Bronx of any ethnicity, race, or class. I hope that this newspaper appeals to any ethnicity, race, or class, so it could serve as an outlet for all Bronx residents to become more engaged and informed about their community. In order for the newspaper to appeal to as wide of a demographic of Bronx residents possible, the newspaper will be produced in many languages that are prominent in the Bronx. Some languages, other than English, that the newspaper will be produced in are Spanish, Italian and Hebrew. The newspaper will be produced in these specific languages because they are widely spoken in the Bronx. The newspaper will be produced every week. By having the paper being produced weekly, it will help readers of the paper keep up to date with current events. Having a week to produce the newspaper will also give the staff of the newspaper more time to create better content for their readers, than if they only had a day to produce the content. The newspaper will have daily updates on their social media pages, such as Facebook, and Twitter, if there is a major current event that audiences need to be informed about. The newspaper’s social media pages will only have daily updates for major current events, because if a current event is not incredibly important that audience can wait a few days to find out about the current event in the actual newspaper. The newspaper will have a small but qualified group of staff. Since the newspaper is a smaller newspaper that focuses primarily on local news, the newspaper would only need to have one office in the Bronx, unlike larger newspapers that have many scattered offices. However the staff will be qualified to report Bronx news, by having certain credentials. The staff will represent a wide variety of backgrounds in order to make the news be objective as possible.
The print version of the “Bronx Weekly News” will contain the same content and advertisements as the online version of the newspaper. The print newspaper will have the same goal as the online version of the newspaper. The goal is to help Bronx residents find out about important events and news in order to feel more connected to their neighborhood. The readership of the print version of the newspaper will probably be Bronx residents who aren’t technologically savvy and prefer reading a traditional newspaper. Similarly to the online version of the newspaper, the print version will be produced in English, Spanish, Italian and Hebrew, languages that are widely spoken in the Bronx. The newspaper will circulate all throughout the Bronx, in all Bronx neighborhoods. It will hopefully be sold in most Bronx stores and newsstands. Bronx residents can also receive a subscription of the print newspaper. With a subscription the newspaper would be delivered directly to their door. This could be beneficial for sick or elderly Bronx residents, who are not very mobile and therefore would not be able to receive a print newspaper. The print version of newspaper will be produced on a weekly basis, similarly to online version of the newspaper. The newspaper will be produced on a weekly basis so those who are not technologically savvy can keep up to date with important weekly news, even if they cannot access the news online. The newspaper will be produced on Saturday and it will recount weekly news and upcoming events. By having the newspaper be produced weekly, the staff has more time to ship the newspapers to different neighborhoods. About 5,000 newspapers will be produced per week. This specific amount of newspapers will probably account for enough residents in the Bronx, in many different neighborhoods, who may prefer a print version of the newspaper. The only addition that the print newspaper will have that the online version of the newspaper doesn’t have is a weekly crossword. Many successful newspapers have a crossword puzzle and we want our newspaper to emulate their success.
The “Bronx Weekly News” will try to be as objective as possible in their reporting of all different types of news stories. The newspaper will also try to promote all of the upcoming events occurring in the Bronx in order to foster community engagement. In fact we believe that by doing this, we could appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. Perhaps, the staff of our newspaper needs to discover other ways that we could make our newspaper appeal to as wide of an audience as possible.
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