“La Voz Latina”
Through the semester we have talked about how different editions of newspapers influence and inform different readers according to their demographic location, but also according to their ethnic background. Also, we have discussed how their advertising strategies and format have kept faithfully readers every week. The fact that newspapers are the most ancient and reliable source of information maintains its daily circulation year after year; its accessibility, the concisely way to deliver information to its readers, and the fact that the readers have the option to read the detailed information of a particular story (unlike a newscast format of 2-2: 30 minutes) has kept its readers faithful in despite of technological options. That is why we can still create newspapers circulars to inform our communities. Because I am Latina and keeping my country and culture up to date with the most important information and topics of interest Latino is one of my priority as journalist, I would create “La Voz Latina.” This newspaper will have a Latino audience in the metropolitan area of New York City. The newspaper would be concise but informative; it would have a total of 80 pages and will cost $ 50c as introductory price. Its content would consist of different sessions such as, las nacionales (nationals)-which will include news of our area (NYC); Noticias de nuestro pais (news of our country, Latin American countries); Opinion, letters to the editor, entertainment, classifieds, sports and other sessions that we will detail later. This essay would expose what will be “La Voz Latina” in the city of New York.
1 comment
Nice, I like the price – inexpensive and to the point. Looking forward!