Abstract 3

Growing up as a Latina in a country filled with so many diverse languages, everyday is exciting. Through previous assignments I have been able to prove why language are not only impactful but essential. Ethnic media promotes individuals to use creativity and diversity. Reading several newspapers such as the New York Times, The Daily News, and El Diario La Prensa has inspired me to visually create my own 24-page newspaper. My paper will be a bilingual ethnic newspaper, which will be called “ La Ultima Hora”. La Ultima Hora, will contain a little bit of everything in regards to News, Sports, Entertainment and much more. My goal is to create a newspaper that will inform and also impact the readers.

Abstract #3

Through the past assignments I have done in this class, I have had a better opportunity of deeply analyze what newspapers offer the community aside from their advertisements. My assignments were based on mainstream and Hispanic newspapers, which are definitely different in so many ways and I am not referring to the language they are written in, but in sections such as the type of information/news, job opportunities in their classified section and others. I definitely would like to develop a plan for my own weekly Spanish written newspaper for the Hispanic communities that reside here in New York City.  People in New York City can easily obtain free, cheap and very expensive newspapers from everywhere, but not all of these are worth the time since I have noticed that, in between these two, Spanish written newspapers are mostly full of gossips and irrelevant news. My newspaper would be informative and overall would provide the Hispanic communities with information of free and inexpensive training and educational opportunities in our surrounding areas. It will be divided into eight sections; local news, immigration, New York events, education, classifieds, weather, health and humor. This will be offered to my audience every Saturday in a printed and/or online version for more accessibility. I am not sure yet as of what I would like to advertise in my newspaper, but definitely not outfit stores. I want these to be more of educational institutions. Depending on the ads I will decide the price of it, but it could range from 50 to 75 cents which I think is an affordable price.

Abstract #3

Theirs something about reading a physical piece of paper that may never be replicated by online media. Whether it is TMZ magazine or The Wall Street Journal there is still a market for print. Structure and design is extremely important. Who is your audience? What do they like to read? What would attract them to your paper?

So many variables go into making a paper that is tough to appeal to everyone. The

Beginning with the actual paper, I am a fan of “Magazine Style” newspapers I feel that they are much easier to read and flip through. Newspapers like the New York Times are great reads, but physically going through it makes it almost a task. Especially when you want to get to a particular section. With magazine-style papers you can easily flip-through a paper to get to the section you desire.

The target audience would be young men in their 20s. I feel that content that I would produce would be most appealing to that age group. Additionally this content would be in English, based on the basis that it would be appeal towards American men. I feel that content should not cross boarders in language, because it makes for confusing reading and writing.



Abstract #3

The City of New York has been and still is an important center for Art, Music, Film, Theatre, Comedy, Dance, Classical, Opera, and etc. That is why as a New Yorker you come across to a variety of ads on cultural events daily; in subways and newspapers. However, living in a big and busy city like New York, can be really hard to see the details of certain events, and small ads on newspapers are not always too detailed. That is why having a source covering that latest news of entertainment and arts in New York would make readers feel connected and informed. This is what ATNS (Art That Never Sleeps) will offer to those interested in the arts and entertainments.
ATNS is going to be a weekly newspaper that will bring the latest of art and entertainment events occurring in New York City. It will be printed and distributed every Sunday only for those who subscribe. It will be free of course. I would also provide an online edition of ATNS for those who prefer digital, making it easier to navigate, faster and eco-friendly. Readers will be able to find the latest news and events occurring in the world of art and entertainment. Being a city where art is very popular, filled with many talented individuals and aspiring artists, I want my newspaper to make them feel drawn into the artistic aspects of our city. I also want my newspaper to bring our different ethnic communities closer by informing our readers of events from different cultures. For example, if there is a Broadway or Live music event in Spanish my newspaper will translate that information in English and other languages. ATNS Newspaper will bring to our readers the beauty and the talents that lives in our city. It will consist of 24 pages, and will include of corporate ads and classified section.

Abstract 3

Newspapers are a wealth of information, ranging from the currents events whether they are national, international or local,  to editorials, to political issues, to popular culture, etc. Often these topics are generalized and concentrated to the most popular and relative to the majority of people within the newspaper’s readership. The concept of the cultural newspaper emerges to  cover the stories certain ethnic and cultural groups would find interesting but are not covered in the pages of a mainstream newspaper.  This paper will discuss the need and demand for a national newspaper for black millennials and younger.  To elaborate the newspaper will target Young Black women and men of African, Caribbean, Hispanic and American descent. There newspaper will be weekly newspaper highlighting events that are most important to the demographic and will feature a long editorial section that will include pieces from a range of different perspectives within the demographic.  It will include an Arts and Entertainment page highlighting the best in plays, movies, concerts books, and so on.  The ads will come from both corporate industries and small businesses catering to the demographic. There will be a strong online presence as millennials and younger are regarded as the most technologically advanced demographic. With daily posts and a very interactive discussion board.  T he goal is to engage, educate and inspire the youth and continue to inspire the younger generations with each passing year, making news and social issues more interesting and relatable to the intended readership. rs are a wealth of information, ranging from the currents events whether they are national, international or local,  to editorials, to political issues, to popular culture, etc. Often these topics are generalized and concentrated to the most popular and relative to the majority of people within the newspaper’s readership. The concept of the cultural newspaper emerges to  cover the stories certain ethnic and cultural groups would find interesting but are not covered in the pages of a mainstream newspaper.  This paper will discuss the need and demand for a national newspaper for black millennials and younger.  To elaborate the newspaper will target Young Black women and men of African, Caribbean, Hispanic and American descent. There newspaper will be weekly newspaper highlighting events that are most important to the demographic and will feature a long editorial section that will include pieces from a range of different perspectives within the demographic.  It will include an Arts and Entertainment page highlighting the best in plays, movies, concerts books, and so on.  The ads will come from both corporate industries and small businesses catering to the demographic. There will be a strong online presence as millennials and younger are regarded as the most technologically advanced demographic. With daily posts and a very interactive discussion board.  The goal is to engage, educate and inspire the youth and continue to inspire the younger generations with each passing year, making news and social issues more interesting and relatable to the intended readership.

Abstract #3

Everybody wants the inside scoop on the latest trending entertainment and sports events. The Bronx has been the epicenter for entertainment and sports countless times over the past century. There is a feeling of magic watching these events transpire in The Bronx. It sometimes feels like you may be watching history in the making. This is the essence that “The Bronx Entertainer” aims to capture.

The Bronx Entertainer is going to be a weekly newspaper that will cover the most popular and relevant entertainment and sports events in the borough. The newspaper will be printed on a weekly basis; and distributed free to Bronxites every Thursday morning. Readers will be provided with the inside scoop as to what is happening in and around The Bronx entertainment and sports scene. In addition, I would like to provide my readers with an online version of the newspaper, being that in this day and age readers like their content to be easily accessible. Therefore I would still be able to have my readers experience that feeling of nostalgia while turning the pages of a newspaper to get their information, as well as evolve with the digital era. The Bronx Entertainer plans on being the amplifier that will give The Bronx the credibility it deserves.

Abstract #3

La Voz Latina


Through the semester we have talked about how different editions of newspapers influence and inform different readers according to their demographic location, but also according to their ethnic background. Also, we have discussed how their advertising strategies and format have kept faithfully readers every week. The fact that newspapers are the most ancient and reliable source of information maintains its daily circulation year after year; its accessibility, the concisely way to deliver information to its readers, and the fact that the readers have the option to read the detailed information of a particular story (unlike a newscast format of 2-2: 30 minutes) has kept its readers faithful in despite of technological options. That is why we can still create newspapers circulars to inform our communities. Because I am Latina and keeping my country and culture up to date with the most important information and topics of interest Latino is one of my priority as journalist, I would create “La Voz Latina.” This newspaper will have a Latino audience in the metropolitan area of New York City. The newspaper would be concise but informative; it would have a total of 80 pages and will cost $ 50c as introductory price. Its content would consist of different sessions such as, las nacionales (nationals)-which will include news of our area (NYC); Noticias de nuestro pais (news of our country, Latin American countries); Opinion, letters to the editor, entertainment, classifieds, sports and other sessions that we will detail later. This essay would expose what will be “La Voz Latina” in the city of New York.


Abstract #3

The City of New York has been and still is an important center for Art, Music, Film, Theatre, Comedy, Dance, Classical, Opera, and etc. That is why as a New Yorker you come across to a variety of ads on cultural events daily; in subways and newspapers. However, living in a big and busy city like New York, can be really hard to see the details of certain events, and small ads on newspapers are not always too detailed. That is why having a source covering that latest news of entertainment and arts in New York would make readers feel connected and informed. This is what ATNS (Art That Never Sleeps) will offer to those interested in the arts and entertainments.

ATNS is going to be a weekly newspaper that will bring the latest of art and entertainment events occurring in New York City. It will be printed and distributed every Sunday only for those who subscribe. It will be free of course. I would also provide an online edition of ATNS for those who prefer digital, making it easier to navigate, faster and eco-friendly. Readers will be able to find the latest news and events occurring in the world of art and entertainment. Being a city where art is very popular, filled with many talented individuals and aspiring artists, I want my newspaper to make them feel drawn into the artistic aspects of our city. I also want my newspaper to bring our different ethnic communities closer by informing our readers of events from different cultures. For example, if there is a Broadway or Live music event in Spanish my newspaper will translate that information in English and other languages. ATNS Newspaper will bring to our readers the beauty and the talents that lives in our city. It will consist of 24 pages, and will include of corporate ads and classified section.


Advertisements are a form of marketing communication and surrounds our daily lives. Advertisement is way to persuade and manipulate an audience. An advertisement goal is to sell and make money. In newspapers you can find at least one advertisement in each page. There are advertisements for products, services, food, apartments, clothing and jobs etc. Every newspaper has a different type of advertisement. I will be comparing three newspapers and the types of advertisements each use. The three newspapers are The New York Daily News, El Diario and India Times. All three newspapers have different advertisement because they each have a different audience.

The New York Daily News has numerous of ads. You can find ads while reading the paper online or print. While reading the paper online I found ads for cars such as Volvo, Honda, Ford and Mitsubishi etc. If you were to click on the ad it shows you the nearest car dealership near you. It also shows how much you can lease a car for if you give certain amount of a down payment. Emblem health is a health insurance provided for New Yorkers. There was an ad of Emblem Health on the Daily News website. This ad will only be advertised in NYC because the health insurance is only for those who live in NYC. I did notice for every individual column I pick there was ad related to the topic. For insistence, I click the column for sports and on the side of screen there was an ad for Nike and Modells. The ads are not translated in foreign language. I don’t think there is any cultural in The New York Daily News. The New York Daily News is a very broad newspaper. Advertisements online are very modern is like watching a short clip on the side of your screen. It has ads for the print version and online version.

For the print version majority of the ads are on the last few pages. While on the other hand online ads are modern. There were advertisements on the print version about Apple. The ads were promoting iPhone 6 and 6 plus. Companies such as T-Mobile, Verizon and AT&T also promoted Apple products. I saw an ad of T-Mobile promoting the iPhone 6. You don’t have to give anything upfront, but you can break the phone cost into monthly payments. Movies ads as well as movies listing were on the paper. The types of ad they have are for the movies that will premiere. I also saw advertisements for apartments and houses. It has a listing of majority of the areas in New York such as Bronx, Brooklyn, queens, Manhattan and long island.

El Diario has different types of ads. El Diario is a Spanish written newspapers for those who live in New York. El Diario has many ads related to immigration. For insistence it has ads about lawyers that deal with immigration. I also saw ads about vehicles such as Chevy, Honda and Toyota. What I found interested is that you can translate the article to what best accommodates you. However the ads don’t translate it stays in Spanish. I also saw an ad for horoscopes. All of the ads are in Spanish. El Diario also has ads for traveling with different airlines such as Ameri-Jet etc. I found the ad interesting because it only promotes Spanish-speaking countries. On the print version you can find a lot of coupons for Macys, Jcpenny, Best Buy etc. Most of the ads in El Diario are very family oriented and many of the ads are about related to family. There were advertisements about hospital such as Montefiore. Majority of the ads published in El Diario is for Hispanic community.

India Times has different types of advertisement compared to The New York Daily News and El Diario. The website has different ads like where you can travel to and find a job. The types of jobs listed are for big cooperation such as HP, Dell, and Samsung etc. As for the travel section it has different promotions for instance things that a traveler should do that they don’t. It’s also different because they don’t pop up on the side of your screen like the other two newspapers. There were advertisements for cellphone nokia and the for company apple. It might be because it a different cultural than the other two newspaper. The types of ads India Times are more of promotions. The promotions and advertisements are written in English.

All three newspapers advertise their advertisements differently. El Diario has all of there ads in Spanish since it’s a Hispanic newspaper. It’s also more of a family oriented newspaper so majority of the ads have images of families. The New York Daily has an ad almost in every page. It also promotes mostly anything from cars, technology, companies etc. The type of coupons readers remove from the newspaper, are from retail stores such as Macys, Jcpenny, Staples, Best Buy etc. As for India express there ads are promotions rather than an advertisement. What I learned from all three newspapers is that each company has its own unique way of advertising. However, they all have one goal in mind, and that is to persuade and make money. The New York Daily News and El Diario have a section where you can pay and have your ad published on newspapers. You can find this option online. However, India Times does not allow readers to publish their ads on the website. Majority of the print ads are found at the end of the paper because its readers less concern. I do think readership read both version online and print. Readers find ads in both version online and print.

Advertisement is part of our daily lives. When we least expect it we are being expose to one. Advertisements are everywhere newspaper, streets, driving public transportation, online and commercials. It is something we cant avoid. I’ve learned that advertisements can be differently depending who you trying to target. Every advertisement has a different goal and audience.

Trending stories on Indian Lifestyle, Culture, Relationships, Food, Travel, Entertainment, News & New Technology News – Indiatimes.com (www.indiatimes.com)

New York News, Traffic, Sports, Weather, Photos, Entertainment, and Gossip – Homepage – NY Daily News (NY Daily News)

FRONTPAGE El Diario (El Diario NY- Las Últimas Noticias en Español desde Nueva York)

Abstract-Unit 3

I am going to develop a plan for a 24-page newspaper that caters towards people that live in the Bronx, New York. I want this newspaper to be titled, “Bronx Weekly News.” I chose to develop a plan for this newspaper because I thought it was unique since there are not many newspapers that cater specifically towards people that live in the Bronx. Rather, more newspapers cater just towards people that live in the entire New York City. I hope that this newspaper could help people that live in the Bronx find out about interesting events that are happening in their area. The newspaper is going to focus primarily on local news in the Bronx because the newspaper caters towards people that live in the Bronx. However, it will cover some major international and national new stories in order to keep readers informed about incredibly important current events. The newspaper will have seven sections titled: Local News, Sports, Entertainment, National News, International News, Bronx Events and a classified section. The Sports and Entertainment sections will favor New York City Sports Teams and highlight entertainment in the Bronx. The newspaper will contain corporate and classified advertisements that advertise services that are located in the Bronx, and its surrounding areas since it is close to where the intended audience lives. An online version of the newspaper will be produced, that will have the same content as the print version of the newspaper. This will help the newspaper become more accessible for readers.

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